This building is in an area of low-income public housing and has a similar form to the surrounding housing. The strict preference for southern exposure makes this building also look like public housing with identical apartments divided into small rooms that face south. Luckily this unit has a private roof terrace which takes advantage of the building setback at the east end. The planning for the building stacked the identical plan of each unit on every floor even at setbacks; a bedroom faced the terrace with a small window. The only way to access the roof terrace was to cross the windowsill. No one has taken advantage of the character of the unit.


The project organized the plan to refocus the living room and dining room to the terrace. All partition walls were removed and replaced with a moving closet functioning as a partition. This enabled the large main living room and dining to merge and give flexibility according to the usage of the rooms. The bathroom, kitchen and other storage spaces are housed compactly in a white box at the corner of the unit. The walls in the bathroom are painted yellow-green and the natural light infused with this color diffuses into the main room.






この計画は居間やダイニングをテラスに向けて開き、テラスを毎日の生活のなかに取り入れることができるように部屋配置を再編することであった。住戸を仕切っていた壁をすべて取り除き、寝室と居間ダイニングとは可動の押し入れで仕切ることにした。 これによって、主室としての大きな居間ダイニングが得られ、家族構成の変化に対応することができる。浴室、トイレ、キッチン、収納は白い箱の中に収め、住戸の端にコンパクトにまとめた。洗面室内の壁の色を黄緑に塗り、その色に染まった外光が主室ににじみでるようにした。