This 1,350 sf unit originally designed as an office is being converted into a 1 bedroom apartment and photo studio.  The office footprint results in spaces that are very deep and narrow; remote from the windows. Our proposal provides one large living space extending almost the length of the unit which is lightly separated from the private spaces with a retractable wall and a transparent/ translucent glass screen.

The retractable wall can unify the studio and the living area when opened and allows independent use of the studio when closed. The glass screen separates the sleeping area from the living areas with transparent and translucent openings which quietly combine or separate the spaces. The light will gently reach the bedroom through framed street views. The most private spaces are located at most remote and quiet end of the unit. When the transparent screen is closed the bed room turns into a cozy protected space. Quiet colors and humble materials will create a tranquil space.




