Pregones Theater  

Pregones Theater is a non-profit organization actively presenting music, drama and all of the arts, in the Bronx in New York City. Our mission was to renovate the entire administrative section of the facility and improve circulation and space usage including a performance studio and workshop. The existing support spaces are housed houses in an old 3 story residential house and annex in the back yard. The complex was made by acquiring residential properties and there was no sense of unity.


Our proposal connected the two buildings by tearing down and rebuilding the accrued additions between the buildings, renovating the two main buildings and providing a new entry that linked all of the spaces, functionally and visually. A new entrance connected to this spine through a long slope to the street, creating a new public face for the organization. The two houses are painted with the same color on each facade and link them visually. Through the organization's fund raising efforts they were able to plan for a new free standing building by combining the adjacent parking lot and the foot print of the existing residential buildings. The new scheme utilizes a very transparent building taking advantage of the sloped site. It will act as reverse binoculars focusing on the skyline behind which becomes the facade of the building.


This project was awarded to YMA through the Design Excellence Award program of the New York City Department of Design and Construction.








