This proposal for 8 bridges and a waterside pedestrian system on Shakishima Island in Osaka, is an urban scaled contribution to a newly created waterfront business district.


Glass sheathed transparent bridges reinforce the priority of the canal system over the new street gird, allowing the canal to form the dominate element in this manmade landscape. Their transparency makes the canal into a continuous light filled path. Connected to the bridges and passing below them is a pedestrian system created from a series of walls that step back from the water’s edge, rising and falling to form their own topography.


On these sculpted levels are shopping areas, relaxation spots, and walking paths. Cars fly above on a plane of metal grating, physically and acoustically protecting the pedestrian world below. Underwater lights set into the canal create a fluid, linear light fixture. The bridges glow with light from below, becoming jewels in the landscape, a landmark in the city.


This project received a merit award in the Kawasaki Steel Industry Competition.








ガラスで作られた透明な橋によって、運河の上に網状に覆い被る交通路系に対して、橋-運河系の優位が強調される。橋はもはや、やむなく運河に架かる交通路の一部であることをやめ、都市にその存在感を主張する。車道を走る車はあたかも運河を飛び越える。透明な橋の下には光が溢れ、運河の歩路は光の途絶えるところがない。運河に沿って、 橋とその下の通路に連結された散策路が構成され、緩やかなスロープと彫塑のように扱われた壁によって運河系はキャナルスケープともいうべき連続した景観となる。様々なレベルの床にはショップやカフェテラスが置かれ、憩いの場所となる。

